The purpose of this "blog".

This is the third time that I have tried to create a blog, and this is probably the farthest that I've gotten. I'd like to keep a blog because I'm horrible at documenting all of the fun little things that happen in our lives. I'm quickly realizing just how fast life moves. I feel like my babies are growing way too fast. I hate keeping journals for myself, so I had the thought to keep a journal for each of my kids; writing to them individually, but of course, I "haven't gotten around to it". I want to write to them about the funny things they say or do. I want to write about the fun times with our family or about frustrating moments. Hopefully I can keep up with it and we can look back on these posts, laugh, and remember the good times.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

30 Day Challenge

        It's official~ my baby girl is 1 year old. It's time for me to stop being lazy whip my body into shape. I think I've had long enough to "rest". Before I got pregnant with Kaleigha, I weighed 143 and I was pretty happy with my body. After I had her, my body weight naturally went down to inbetween 136-139. I thought it was pretty cool that I had to do nothing to get there. I really am the worst eater that you could ever meet. If we need something quick to eat, we run out to McDonalds, Carls Jr., or Wendys. I happen to like fast food!! Then there comes my complete ADDICTION to sugar. . . especially CHOCOLATE! I get cranky when I don't have chocolate; and lots of it!! I can literally finish off a bag of kit-kats or a box of donuts in one night and one morning. I know, disgusting, but I love it! BUT~ I've noticed that I don't love how it makes me feel.
        That's where this 30 day challenge comes in.  I've wanted to do this for a little while, but I haven't had any motivation.  I finally decided that I would commit myself to the month of March and exactly 2 days later, my friend Caraline put something out on Facebook that she needed a workout buddy.  When we got to talking, I realized that we had almost the exact same plan.  She was even planning on starting on March 1st.  So here we go!!!
        I am not focusing on a particular diet, but on being conscious on what I am eating and exactly how much. What I am focusing on is a good workout. My husband is naturally athletic. He just went through the Police Academy and absolutely killed the physical part!! I can't even imagine myself doing half of the things that he did.  I am starting out at what might sound small to many people, but it's pretty big to me.  This is day 2 of my 30 days. Right now we run to the end of our street and back and it almost kills me; Josh says it's about .7 Miles, but I'm doing it! Then we come home (with me on the verge of passing out/throwing up), stretch, and do some Jillian Michales No More Trouble Zones workout. WHOOO BABY!!
        I do not want to do this, but I know if I do I will want to push myself harder and get better results. Here are my measurments:

Height- 5'8 1/4"
Weight- 136.5lbs
Neck- 13in
Chest- 34in
Arms- 10in
Ribs- 30in
Waist(love handles)- 35in
Butt- 39in
Upper Thighs- 22in
Calves- 13in

Maybe if I get brave I'll post pictures. . . . . we'll see.

Friday, February 4, 2011


        This is my first official post! HOORAY!! Hopefully I can figure this thing out. Nothing really to say about today. It was really quite boring. We did a little family shopping trip just to get out of the house. We are currently living with my parents. Josh graduated from the Weber State University Police Academy last month and now is on the hunt for a job (which has been a lot harder than we expected).
        2010 flew by for our family!! It has been one of our hardest years, but also one of our most rewarding. It started out with the birth of our precious baby girl, Kaleigha Michelle. All three of us are completely in love with her. I think she's a little spoiled, but that's fine with us! Josh was laid off from work a few weeks after Kaleigha was born.  We were able to anticipate the lay-off a little bit, so we were able to move in with Josh's mom about 2 months before it actually happened. About a week after Kaleigha was born was when we officially moved in with my parents. Josh bounced around with side jobs here and there to keep our family afloat until he started school in August. After that I don't know how we survived, but we did.  All I can say is pay your tithing and money will always magically pop out of thin air. Our testimonies have truely been strengthened. I am greatful. . . but I am ready to be done with this jobless section of our lives!
        Bennsyn is a happy, healthy, hyper 3 year old. He has such a tender heart and always thinks of others. Bennsyn LOVES kids!! He loves to play with anybody and is not shy about it. He will see random kids playing outside and say, "Mom, my kids are here!!".  Bennsyn loves his sister.  I know that they were meant to be in the same family. They fit perfectly together and you can see that Kaleigha truely loves him back and looks up to him. Bennsyn is so smart!! His memory amazes me!! He was very early on learning his colors, numbers, shapes, letters, and even letter sounds. He tries to write and is interested in reading. We can flip to any song on the radio and Bennsyn will immediately start singing and dancing along. (And he knows EVERY word!)  The kid even has rhythm. He claps and stomps to any beat. Bennsyn loves to wrestle with his daddy. They are great buddys and call eachother "PUNK" in the most loving way!!! I LOVE MY LITTLE MAN! He amazes me every day.
        Kaleigha is a firey 11 month old! We are quickly learning just how strong and sassy of an attitude that she has. She fits right into our family and probably has each of us wrapped around her little finger. We adore her. I cannot believe that one year ago she had not yet entered into our lives because it feels like she's been here all along. I have loved watching her grow this last year. The time has gone SO FAST. I feel like she never got the chance to be a baby. We am so excited to celebrate her 1st birthday. It's a big deal!! Hopefully after that things will slow down just a little bit.  I'm trying to enjoy each moment. It scares me to think about the future. It scares me to think about my babies growing up. I really want them to stay little forever!!  But I know that the best thing for them is to learn, grow, and progress. That's what we are put on this earth to do. So I would like to make it my goal to help them do that in the best possible way.